The VSR is proud to collaborate with the ELS Academy to offer an annual PhD School for early-career researchers interested in socio-legal research and empirical legal studies. This event provides an excellent opportunity for PhD candidates to deepen their knowledge of empirical research methods and connect with fellow scholars in the field.
Whether you’re already using empirical methods or eager to learn more, the PhD School offers support for everyone. With guidance from established scholars, you’ll have the chance to explore methodologies you’re currently using or those you’d like to incorporate into your research. The PhD School is designed to be relevant to PhD candidates at any stage of their research journey, offering a series of interactive workshops tailored to each phase of the PhD trajectory.
Throughout the two days, leading up to the annual VSR conference, participants can expect top-notch keynote speakers and a variety of interactive workshops. These will include sessions on practical research methods, such as interviewing (for both beginners and advanced researchers), as well as workshops on essential aspects of the PhD experience—like maintaining well-being during your research or effectively presenting your findings.
The PhD School is not only an opportunity to gain new skills, but also to network with both early-career and senior researchers in the field. It’s a platform, organized by and for PhDs, for inspiration, collaboration, and growth.