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The theme is ‘The discourse about ‘people centeredness’ (‘menselijke maat‘ in Dutch): between rhetoric and reality’. This study day focuses on the concepts ‘‘people-centeredness’ (‘menselijke maat’ in Dutch) and ‘talior-made approach’ (‘maatwerk’) in relation to the functioning of the government and its institutions. In particular, we focus on the use of these concepts in political and policy discourse.
What are the meanings assigned to these concepts in the Dutch context, in particular in relation to public administration and courts? Are there differences in their interpretation by government instituitions, the judiciary and academics, and if yes then what are these differences? Is there a risk that these terms would be used primarily to frame attractive solutions for complex societal problems? And what are the possible side effects of the (policy) discourse that focuses on ‘people-centredness’ and ‘tailor-made approach’?
The event will be in Dutch. Find the program here: https://rechtensamenleving.nl/studiedagen/ If you would like to sign up for this event you can do so by emailing anna.pivaty@ru.nl